I have had a really long day. Before last semester ended I registered for 5 courses. Monday-Thursday. Today I had my first taste of the classes scheduled for Tuesday/Thursday. The first was an oral interpretation of children's literature class. The professor seemed really fun and engaging and just amazing. The second class was an intro to electronic media. Which means the Media, in electronics.
When I finished the day at two o'clock, I went to the Ugly Mug and promptly dropped both.
I then proceeded to sign up for two more courses to fill the credits. Without thinking, I scheduled them both for Thursday afternoon. Meaning I had to pack up all my things and trek across campus (in a typical Michigan blizzard) and attend two more classes. Two classes both three hours long.
So I attended four classes today. I was in class from 11:00am-9:10pm. Long. Day. I'm really happy to be back in my dorm, but I'm really sick of sitting. My legs aren't that happy either.
One of the classes I registered for today, and am keeping, is a film appreciation course. It's held in the campus art department building. I have never been in there except to go to the gallery...needless to say I had no idea how to find "studio B." Especially since all the classes were numbered, not lettered. While I was bumbling around the building, I am 90% sure I saw a girl I graduated with that I haven't thought about since that day. We were friends when we were little, but didn't talk at all as we grew older.
Finally on the second floor, after looking up the class again to make sure I had the right building, I saw a guy meandering through the halls, looking just as lost as I was. I turned to him.
"What class are you looking for?"
He stopped in his tracks. "Uh...film appreciation."
"Me too!!" I exclaim excitedly, happy to have found a comrade in my cluelessness.
Thus I met Edward. Don't get all excited, he's not Edward Cullen, and this blog isn't about to turn into a real life Twilight...thank God.
Right, I'm going to go back to my 10:00 pm dinner now.
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